Which chin plastic surgery procedure is good?
(Bone Surgery vs Silicone Implant)
There are various procedures for chin plastic surgery such as T-Osteotomy, Genioplasty, silicone implant and etc.However, patient choose proper procedure depending on their anatomy.
1. Bone Surgery (T-Osteotomy, Genioplasty, Jaw Reduction)
1) This method use patients' own bone, which means it is safer than other procedure.
2) This procedure is good for patient who want to narrow (or reduce) chin.
2. Silicone Implant
1) Patient who want to get chin augmentation with minimal downtime is candidate for silicone implant
2) It is SIMPLE. Silicone implant is not required bone surgery or any osteotomy procedure. Patient who is afraid about complicate procedure is candidate for the procedure.
Contact Girin Plastic Surgery
Email - girinplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Skype - girinps
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