Having a hump in the nose may not look attractive and can make you look like Squidward from Spongebob! Consider yourself getting a Hump Nose Correction at GIRIN Plastic Surgery to feel and look beautiful 😁
GIRIN's nose specialist takes a deliberate look at your nose and finds the best method that suits YOUR type. That might be to just remove the hump, augment the nose as well as remove the hump, and leave the hump but correct the tip to make it look straight.
All of these options include correcting not only the look of your nose but the functional part too!
💌 For online consultation 💌
Website: http://global.girinlife.com/?lang=en-US
Email: girinplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: girinlife
Instagram: girinplasticsurgery
Twitter: @Girinlifeen
Skype: girinps
Line: girinpsen
Whats app: (+82) 10 9313 5088
Viber: (+82) 10 9313 5088
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