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Showing posts from August, 2015

Girin Information Center - Facial Contouring Revision (Jaw reduction revision) Cases #6

Case 11. No improve after general jaw reduction procedure The patient underwent general jaw reduction procedure to narrow chin. However, there was no improved afterward. Dr.Lee performed New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure to reshape jaw line include chin tip. Case 12. Over resection and asymmetry after general jaw reduction procedure The patient underwent general jaw reduction procedure to narrow mandible. However, bone was over resected and got uneven jawline afterward. Dr.Lee performed New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure to reshape jaw line include chin tip and remove microplate screw. The best way is that patient choose right surgery at first. Thus, patient need to discuss about procedure with doctor.

Girin Information Center - Facial Contouring Revision (Jaw reduction revision) Cases #5

Case 9. No improve after chin narrowing procedure The patient underwent chin narrowing procedure to reduce wide chin. However, there was no improved afterward. Dr.Lee performed New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure to reshape jaw line include chin tip. Case 10. No improve after general jaw reduction procedure The patient underwent general jaw reduction procedure to narrow chin. However, there was no improved afterward. Dr.Lee performed New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure to reshape jaw line include chin tip.

Girin Information Center - Facial Contouring Revision (Jaw reduction revision) Cases #4

Case 7. No improve after general jaw reduction and T-Osteotomy The patient underwent general jaw reduction procedure with T-Osteotomy to reduce wide jaw. However, there was no improved patients' jaw and secondary was caused by T-Osteotomy. Dr.Lee performed New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure to reshape jaw line. Case 8. U-Shape, Secondary angle after general jaw reduction and T-Osteotomy The patient underwent general jaw reduction and T-Osteotomy. However, those procedures were caused U-Shape chin and secondary angle. Dr.Lee operated New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure to correct jaw shape and remove secondary angle. The best way is that patient choose right surgery at first. Thus, patient need to discuss about procedure with doctor.

Girin Information Center - Facial Contouring Revision (Jaw reduction revision) Cases #3

Case 5. U-Shaped chin and secondary angle after T-Osteotomy The patient underwent T-Osteotomy procedure to make narrow chin. However, chin had not improved and made secondary angle. Dr.Lee operated New V-Line (Jaw reduction) surgery to remove secondary angle, microplate screw on chin and reshape mandible angle. Case 6. U-Shaped chin and secondary angle after  Genioplasty  and  T-Osteotomy The patient underwent Genioplasty and T-Osteotomy. However, those procedure made only secondary angle without any improve.  Dr.Lee corrected through New V-Line (Jaw reduction) to improve jawline. The best way is that patient choose right surgery at first. Thus, patient need to discuss about procedure with doctor.

Girin Information Center - Facial Contouring Revision (Jaw reduction revision) Cases #2

Case 3. Over resected in mandibular angle and secondary angle The case occurs mandibular angle is resected to much. It caused secondary angle. Dr.Lee operated New V-Line (Jaw reduction) to reshape mandible. Case 4. No improve after jaw reduction procedure The case occurs when mandible is resected from mandibular angle to mouth corner. The procedure is good for reducing square mandibular angle, but no improve other area. Dr.Lee performed New V-Line (Jaw reduction) revision to reshape whole mandible and makes more slim. The best way is that patient choose right surgery at first. Thus, patient need to discuss about procedure with doctor.

Girin Information Center - Facial Contouring Revision (Jaw reduction revision) Cases

CASE 1. Secondary angle after facial contouring procedure This case is occurred in general jaw reduction procedure. The procedure is that reduce from mandibular angle to mouth corner through bone osteotomy. This method makes secondary angle is occurred as shown above picture (Left). However, this problem could correct through Long curve osteotomy (New V-Line method - Right) to make smooth mandible shape. CASE 2. No effect after facial contouring procedure This case is occurred when patient choose mandibular angle reduction. The procedure is simple but there is no effect and improve on patients' facial shape (Left). Also the risk of secondary angle gets higher as well. The case also not hard to correct, Dr.Lee operate revision through Long Curve osteotomy  from mandibular angle to chin-tip at once (New V-Line method - Right). The best way is that patient choose right surgery at first. Thus, patient need to discuss about procedure with doctor.

Girin Review - New V-Line (Jaw reduction) & Zygoma Reduction

Girin Plastic Surgery Clinic Review Surgery - New V-Line (Jaw reduction) & Zygoma Reduction The patient had huge cheekbone & big and square mandibular angle rather than other patient. Her facial shape looks masculine.  After discuss with Dr.Lee, she decided to undergo New V-Line   (Jaw reduction)  and 3D Zygoma Reduction.  Since she had much more prominent cheekbone and mandible, and location of nerve is pretty high, so Dr.Lee possible to reduce as much as he could. After procedures, she satisfied with her new facial shape and looks more feminine. If you are considering facial contouring, it is important to discuss with doctor about detailed procedures to make doctor understand what you exactly want to be.     

Girin Review - New V-Line (Jaw reduction)

Girin Plastic Surgery Clinic Review Surgery - New V-Line (Jaw reduction) The patient had square mandibular angle and U-shaped chin tip. He want to reduce his facial shape through New V-Line (Jaw reduction) procedure. After New V-Line (Jaw reduction), he got smooth facial shape. Different with other jaw reduction procedure, New V-Line is possible to correct both square jaw and chin at once without T-osteotomy and fixation for creating V-Line without further surgery on the chin tip. Also, it requires short recovery period, and less risky from side effect such as nerve damage.

Girin Question & Answer - Eyeplasty revision

Question - Should I have to choose incision method for double eyelid surgery revision? Answer - Patient does not need to choose incision method for revision. Because, incision method makes scarring and hard to correct eye creases line. Most of our patient choose non-incision method for revision, of course result is also satisfied. And the procedure requires short recovery period, no scarring and easy to correct eye creases. However, patient need to discuss with doctor which procedure is suitable.  

Dr.Lee column - Different procedures depend on patient anatomy

Topic - Different procedures depend on patient anatomy Plastic surgery procedure always different depends on patient anatomy. The patient who shown above picture had asymmetry cheekbone; right side cheekbone is bigger and more prominent than left side cheekbone. Dr.Lee reduce the zygoma with L-shaped osteotomy to correct uneven both cheekbone. After procedure, she satisfied with result with her cheeckbone. Much narrow and gets similar shape on each side. Patient need to discuss with doctor detailed procedure depending on their anatomy. Otherwise, the risk of side-effect gets higher.   

Girin Information Center - Lifting360 procedure

Today's topic - Lifting360 procedure Various of face life procedures are existing these day such as SMAS, thread lift and etc.  Also those procedures are called various name and good solution to elevate skin. The traditional method is SMAS. The procedure is incision method and it is pulled up sagging fascia and skin tissues after remove excess tissue. This procedure is powerful but it is caused huge scarring. Next, thread lift is a surgical procedure which threads are placed under the skin, and they can be used to tighten and elevate area of the loosing(sagging) skin. However, this method is not absorbed and has risk of side-effect. Next,  thread lift which is made in the shaft of conventional suture is more effective. But this thread is also not absorbed either.  Also It deforms and lts tensile strength decreases dramatically over time. The new generation thread is made in the shaft of molded suture. The thread is that diamond stays in perfe...

Girin Review - New V-Line & Zygoma Reduction & NIP & Lateral canthoplasty

Girin Plastic Surgery Clinic Review Surgery -  New V-Line & Zygoma Reduction & NIP & Lateral canthoplasty The patient had jaw reduction (New V-Line), zygoma reduction, Non-Incision double eyelid surgery with Ptosis correction (NIP) and lateral canthoplasty in Girin Plastic Surgery clinic. She wanted to make narrow her wide & square jaw, prominent cheekbone through facial contouring.  Also her eyes were not much defined and big and she wanted to correct those issue through eyeplasty as well. The patient discuss with Dr.Lee and Dr.Song to make balanced appearance before having surgery.  After procedures, she had more slimmer and smooth facial shape with much defined and bigger eyes. Patient has to discuss with surgeon to make balance and harmony features.